About Katie Rivas


My name is Katie Rivas and I design and weave one-of-a-kind, limited-edition wearable art in my sunny high desert studio in California. One of my earliest memories is of my mom, nicknamed "Roo", sitting at her sewing machine, busy with her latest creation. Roo was an amazing seamstress who made everything from custom suits, to prom and wedding gowns, and even sports' mascot outfits. She tried to get me interested in sewing but I found it boring!

Fast forward 30 years, as my husband is transferred to work back east for a year. I left my career in education, excited to try something new. One day I found a weaving school, took a beginning class and fell in love! I called Roo to tell her. Knowing my impatient nature, she couldn't believe it and asked, "So you can sit and thread a loom for hours?!" I responded, "I love it - it's therapeutic!" She got a good laugh out of that -

Although I started off weaving typical sturdy things like towels, runners and rugs, in the coming years I was able to study under several amazing teachers in Pennsylvania, N. Carolina, California, and even Canada. Returning to California, I began to experiment with many kinds of amazing yarns full of color and texture, to inspire my own unique creations. Due to the nature of yarns being frequently discontinued, all of my designs are limited-edition pieces.

You may ask, "What is a HummingRoo?" Good question! The yard surrounding my studio is filled with many desert plants that attract hummingbirds. Roo loved hummingbirds and we spent many happy hours being entertained by them. So every time I see one in my yard, I say "Hi Roo!" - is like a kiss from God. I call these Hummingroos - and they became my inspiration, not only for their amazing colors, but also for their connection to my mom.

Roo passed away in 2018, but I think of her with every new design and wish she were here to see it. I like to think I actually did get some of her textile DNA after all -


Katie’s mom Roo